From dreams to reality: Achieving the global 10-10-10 HIV targets with and for key populations Session 3: More than an emergency: Enhancing the safety and security of key populations
Robyn Dayton, FHI 360, United States
Vitaly Djuma, ECOM - Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity, Estonia

Within an environment of shrinking civil society space, the imperative of addressing the particular safety and security concerns of key populations has reached a critical juncture. This session will provide a platform for both emerging and established key population leaders to speak directly to key donors and agencies about their safety and security needs related to programme implementation and advocacy. Utilizing a donor panel and focused small group discussions, the session will result in a summary of consolidated actions donors have taken to date to support safety and security, reflections on collective programming and how emergency community needs can be better addressed in the short and longer term.

5 min
Introduction and welcome remarks
FHI 360, United States
ECOM - Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity, Estonia
50 min
Moderated panel discussion: Donor panel summarizes their existing efforts in implementer security, what they view as their main successes, challenges they’ve faced and what they see as the way forward
USAID, United States
The Global Fund, Switzerland
United for Global Mental Health, Philippines, the
US Department of State, United States
Elton John AIDS Foundation, United Kingdom
AIDSFONDS, Netherlands, the
ViiV Healthcare, United Kingdom
FHI 360, United States
ECOM - Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity, Estonia
GILEAD, United States
5 min
Reflections and closing
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United States