Towards a truly global HIV cure Session 4: Communicating cure
Jessica Salzwedel
AVAC, United States

The pre-conference will reflect on current research directions, scientific and structural challenges associated with conducting HIV cure research and the importance of expanding and coordinating efforts across countries and regions.

5 min
Introduction to the session
AVAC, United States
10 min
Communicating top priorities in HIV cure: the community and scientific perspective
SEARCH Research Foundation, Thailand
Makerere University Johns Hopkins University Research Collaboration, Kenya
30 min
How to approach cure literacy: the power of communication
FRESH, South Africa
SEARCH Research Foundation, Thailand, United States
Makerere University Johns Hopkins University Research Collaboration, Kenya
iTEACH, South Africa
15 min
Panel discussion – What is It like to be cured of HIV: A conversation with three cured individuals
The London Patient, United Kingdom
City of Hope Patient, United States
DZIF - German Center for Infection Research, Germany
HIV + Aging Research Project, United States
Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Australia