Health-related quality of life: What works best for people living with HIV?
Jane Anderson, Jonathan Mann Centre Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
With a lifelong commitment to antiretroviral therapy (ART), people living with HIV face new challenges to their health-related quality of life (HRQoL) that demands management guided by patient perspectives. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are important tools that provide insight into the PLWH’s experience with HIV, revealing non-specific symptoms, behaviours and psychological elements that cannot be measured. The goal of this education is to ensure that HIV specialists are cognisant of the need to optimize health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in PLWH, and have the confidence and competence to utilise PRO tools in routine clinical care to identify individualised needs and priorities that are not easily observed that may influence treatment choice.
5 min
Welcome, faculty introductions, overview of agenda
Jonathan Mann Centre Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
10 min
Why the focus on health-related quality of life as a core part of HIV management?
Jonathan Mann Centre Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Jonathan Mann Centre Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
15 min
Integrating PROMs into routine clinical practice
Jonathan Mann Centre Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Jonathan Mann Centre Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
15 min
Empowering people living with HIV to strive for a better quality of life
Jonathan Mann Centre Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Jonathan Mann Centre Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
10 min
Key learnings on integrating PROMs into routine clinical care: what will you do?
Jonathan Mann Centre Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
5 min
Final remarks, conclusions and closing
Jonathan Mann Centre Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom