Getting decriminalization right: What do good laws look like?
Aditia Taslim, INPUD, Indonesia
Target Audience
Leadership workshop
This workshop will facilitate knowledge exchange on good practices in decriminalization in relation to HIV outcomes. Participants from countries that have introduced new, or reformed existing, legislation that moves the country towards decriminalization will present on these efforts: what does and does not work; and how reforms were achieved, with recommendations on how to improve outcomes. Global experts will present on the variety of approaches to decriminalization and the pros and cons of these. This will be followed by a group discussion. The workshop will cover sex work, drug use, same-sex sexual activity, gender identity and HIV criminalization.
120 min
Global Network of Peole Living with HIV, GNP+, Netherlands, the
UNAIDS, Switzerland
UNAIDS, Switzerland
The Helen Clark Foundation, New Zealand
INPUD, Indonesia
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), United Kingdom
Sisonke, South Africa
European Sex Worker Rights Alliance, Netherlands, the
HIV Justice Network, Netherlands, the
Carleton University, Canada
Legabibo, Botswana
GATE, South Africa
Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA), Lithuania
UNDP, Panama
10 min
Decriminalization in EECA
Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA), Lithuania