Transgender in Latin America: Navigating intersectionality in transgender health - Bridging perspectives from physicians, researchers and the community
Ines Aristegui, Fundación Huésped, Argentina
Marcela Romero, Association of Transvestites, Transsexuals and Transgender of Argentina, RedLacTrans, Argentina
This 7th edition of the symposium will focus on providing skills to health professionals and community promoters on intersectionality, how it impacts transgender health and what interventions that address these aspects are available and have proven to be effective. In this symposium we will navigate the concept of intersectionality, highlighting the importance of addressing broader socio political issues when working with transgender people. We will examine the compounding effects of multiple stigmas on psychological health and will shed light on a critical but often overlooked aspect of transgender health, the intersectionality of sexualized substance use. Afterwards, we will discuss the challenges surrounding the accessibility and acceptability of Pre-Exposure and provide actionable insights into interventions aimed at addressing intersectionality and will provide actionable insights into interventions aimed at addressing intersectionality and improving HIV outcomes. Finally, panel
5 min
Introduction: Beyond labels: Depicting the impact of intersectionality on health in our community
Fundación Huésped, Argentina
15 min
Session 1 How prejudice and sociopolitical contexts undermine transgender health
RedLacTrans, Guatemala
15 min
Session 2: When 1+1 is more than 2: the impact of multiple stigmas on psychological well being
Fundación Huésped, Argentina
15 min
Session 3: Sexualized drug use among transgender people: What do we know so far?
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil
15 min
Session 4: PrEP: Why availability and acceptability are not enough.
Fundación Huésped, Argentina
15 min
Session 5: So, what can we do? Interventions for addressing intersectionality and enhancing HIV outcomes in transgender communities
Fenwey, United States
10 min
Panel discussion: Q&A with all speakers live
Association of Transvestites, Transsexuals and Transgender of Argentina, RedLacTrans, Argentina
Fundación Huésped, Argentina
Fundación Huésped, Argentina
RedLacTrans, Guatemala
Fundación Huésped, Argentina
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil
Fundación Huésped, Argentina
Fenwey, United States