Community leadership and resilience to human rights and gender backlash - Showcasing examples in HIV responses
Ikka Noviyanti
Youth LEAD, Thailand
Richard Lusimbo
UKPC, Uganda

This session will explore how the communities of the Global Fund partnership are responding in the face of human rights and gender backlash. It will showcase key populations leadership examples in mitigation and advocacy and put forward best practices in leaving no one behind for effective HIV responses.

10 min
Opening and keynote
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Switzerland
45 min
Panel discussion
Global Action for Trans Equality, Netherlands, the
WACI, South Africa
ATHENA Network, Kenya
100% Life, Ukraine
Youth LEAD, Thailand
UKPC, Uganda
5 min
Call to action
Global Action for Trans Equality, Netherlands, the
WACI, South Africa
ATHENA Network, Kenya
100% Life, Ukraine
Youth LEAD, Thailand
UKPC, Uganda