Fixing your finances - Improving resourcing to end AIDS in children
Corinna Csaky, The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS, United Kingdom
Shaffiq Essajee, UNICEF, United States

This satellite will preview new cutting-edge evidence on financing for children and adolescents: what is being spent by governments, donors and private philanthropists, where, on what kinds of interventions, what the gaps are and how to secure the greatest return on investment. If you are from a donor, private trust and foundation, government, think tank, academic, implementer or community organisation, this satellite will leave you better informed of investment gaps and opportunities. This satellite kicks off a series of discussions throughout the conference on how different actors can use this data to end AIDS in Children by 2030. Now, more than ever, it is important to know that money is being allocated wisely. To be sure of value for money, that policies and commitments are being acted upon, and to spot where investment opportunities remain. To find out more visit This Satellite is sponsored by ViiV Healthcare Positive Action.

10 min
Welcome & Introduction
The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS, Uganda
10 min
Smart spending: Identifying the Expenditure Gaps for Children in Africa
Avenir Health, United States
10 min
Right on the Money: New Data on Cost Effectiveness of Investments
The Universities of Oxford and Cape Town, United Kingdom
10 min
HIV Philanthropy for Children and Youth: A New Global Data Spotlight
Funders Concerned About AIDS, United States
14 min
The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS, Uganda
The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS, United Kingdom
Avenir Health, United States
The Universities of Oxford and Cape Town, United Kingdom
Funders Concerned About AIDS, United States
6 min
Closing Remarks
The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS, United Kingdom