OAC1002 Multi-level community-based HIV prevention intervention for people who inject drugs (PWID)on the US-Mexico border: an effectiveness evaluationOral abstract session with live Q&AHIV prevention research
OAC0802 Understanding barriers and facilitators to doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis adherence among young women in Western Kenya: a qualitative studyOral abstract session with live Q&AIntegration of HIV services with other services, including sexual and reproductive health
OAD1404 New forms of sex work and prostitution in Senegal: emerging vulnerabilities in the digital ageOral abstract session with live Q&AKey populations and other vulnerable populations: Behavioural, social and cultural issues and contexts
OAD2404 HIV and general health status of displaced populations receiving medical care at mobile clinics after severe flooding in Mulanje district, MalawiOral abstract session with live Q&AKey populations and other vulnerable populations: Behavioural, social and cultural issues and contexts
OAF1103 Assessing the disruption of HIV testing and treatment in Nepal during the COVID-19 pandemic: an interrupted time series analysisOral abstract session with live Q&AThe role of politics, human rights and law in pandemic preparedness
OAD1903 Exploring the impact of digital platforms in increasing access to PREP and mental health supportOral abstract session with live Q&AKey populations and other vulnerable populations: Behavioural, social and cultural issues and contexts
OAD1405 Tough Talks virtual simulation HIV disclosure intervention for young men who have sex with men living with HIV: results from a randomized controlled trialOral abstract session with live Q&ASocial and behavioural aspects and approaches to HIV and living with HIV
OAD2403 Climate change-related factors and HIV vulnerabilities among very young adolescents in Kenya: multi-method qualitative findingsOral abstract session with live Q&AKey populations and other vulnerable populations: Behavioural, social and cultural issues and contexts
OAB3804 Extended efficacy and safety of dolutegravir and darunavir containing regimens at week 96 in the international randomised clinical trial: D2EFTOral abstract session with live Q&AAntiretroviral therapies and clinical issues in adults
OAE2003 Community-led monitoring goes beyond evaluating essential health components, it also actively addresses issues of rights and social justice in Indonesia and Manipur, IndiaOral abstract session with live Q&AInnovations in data collection, monitoring and evaluation
41 - 50 of 2557 items